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Focus on Energy Saving

This spring GCE Blue Maritime Cluster launched a new seminar series revolving on board energy efficiency. We will continue this seminar series through the fall with multiple seminars. Participants are invited to explore innovative solutions and technologies that can optimize internal and external processes on ships, aiming to reduce energy consumption.

Blue Maritime Cluster

With the maritime sector moving towards zero-emission and less energy-dense fuels, it is crucial to adopt solutions and technologies that contribute to reduce energy usage on ships. In the seminar series titled "Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Onboard," participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the latest initiatives in this field, says Juuni Elisabeth Vatne, Head of Marketing at GCE Blue Maritime Cluster.

 The conclusion from the seminar was clear – we need to find solutions that reduce the energy we need and use onboard.

Seminar Series to promote Energy-Saving Solutions

The seminar series was launched in spring 2023 and will cover various topics throughout the year, from innovative hull and propulsion solutions to alternative materials and digital energy-saving solutions. The first seminar took place at the end of April, where the cluster invited the newly established company Susteni, which provides energy economization solutions, and Ulmatec Pyro, a service provider specializing in heat recovery. The conclusion from the seminar was clear – we need to find solutions that reduce the energy we need and use onboard, explains Vatne.

Offshore wind is an important market for the cluster, and we believe that the combination of shipping companies and suppliers on the program can provide information on the operational bottlenecks and the solutions available to address these.

Continuing throughout the year

This autumn, topics such as "Alternative Materials and Weight Optimisation", where we will explore new materials and weight reduction measures for ships and "Digital Energy Saving Solutions" will be covered.

Upcoming seminars will cover various topics, including our "Innovations breakfast" which will take place September 20th, the day before the maritime cluster conference, and will showcase new projects and innovations designed to facilitate the industry's transition. Along with these events, there will be plenty of exciting activities to enjoy during the autumn season. A key element to the New Blue Deal strategy is creating an arena for networking and knowledge-sharing. We are confident that these activities will provide valuable insights for cluster members and encourage more members to recognize the importance of energy efficiency measures. Vatne concludes by emphasizing the significance of these opportunities for the cluster. 

We are confident that these activities will provide valuable insights for cluster members and encourage more members to recognize the importance of energy efficiency measures.

Sign up for the seminars: 

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