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GCE collaboration in Industrie 4.0 project

GCE Subsea, GCE Blue Maritime and GCE NODE have been awarded two million Norwegian kroner for a joint project.

Blue Maritime Cluster

The government announced this year funding of 20 million Norwegian kroner to support restructuring of the supplier industry within the petroleum sector in Southern and Western Norway. The three GCE Clusters in Norway have initiated a collaborative project to take a leading position in the ongoing restructuring, and are pleased to announce the awarded project funding from Hordaland County Council.

Increased Competitiveness

The main objective of the project is to contribute to increased competitiveness in the GCE’s partner and member companies’ main markets nationally and internationally. This includes new business models and new technologies for lowering opex and capex.

The project will focus on four strategic areas, closely linked to industrie 4.0, all of which have the potential for significant cost reductions; framework conditions, innovations along the supply chain, new production technologies, and new maintenance and operating systems.

Industry Involvement

The project will kick-off medio November and will involve a series of industry focus group meetings and workshops. Information regarding how to participate in the project will be made available in the near future.

For information about GCE NODE and GCE Blue Maritime please visit their webpages at GCE NODE, GCE Blue Maritime.