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Pilot project in the Brand Norway initiative

Brand Norway is one of Innovation Norway's strategic priorities for the next four years and aims to develop a strong common brand for Norway. GCE Blue Maritime and the other ocean clusters will be a pilot project in this national initiative.

Blue Maritime Cluster

The project will contribute to increased growth and value creation by strengthening Norwegian export and ensure access to capital, knowledge, talent and tourists. One wishes to unite business and government in a common and long-term commitment that will permit increased exports and economic growth across industries.

- This is not about creating a new logo for Norway, but a comprehensive strategy to strengthen our international competitiveness. The ocean industries are Norway's strongest card internationally and we believe it is important to be involved in developing a new national brand, says Per Erik Dalen, GCE Blue Maritime.

The project has defined five key focus areas:

• An aggressive export strategy for Norwegian goods and services

• A strategy to attract foreign investors, talents and tourists

• An adaptation of Innovation Norway tools

• Establish collaboration arenas

• Develop a Norwegian brand and communications platform

Read more about Brand Norway here (Norwegian only).

Photo: Innovation Norway