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Open Simulation Platform Conference 2024

Conference Together with DigiCat, SINTEF, DNV, and Kongsberg Maritime, we invite you to the 2024 Open Simulation Platform (OSP) conference at our premises at the Norwegian Maritime Competence Center (NMCC) in Ålesund.

Organizer: GCE Blue Maritime Cluster, DigiCat, SINTEF, DNV, and Kongsberg Maritime
Place: NMK, Ålesund


This year’s conference will focus on reviewing the current use of OSP in the maritime industry, as well as debating its future development to better meet the industry's needs.

We expand the conference this year to two days, by adding a workshop session on the last day giving those who want to get deeper into world of OSP the possibility to do so!

We also repeat the success of the  Blue Maritime Hangout in ÅKP’s Blue Innovation Arena on the first day with poster presentations on the videowall.



09:00 Registration

Session 1: Industry experiences and the next steps of OSP


  • SINTEF Nordvest & GCE Blue Maritime Cluster Welcome and introduction to OSP
  • Zeabuz | Robin Stokke |  - Test System for End-to-End Simulation of Autonomous Surface Vessels
  • Vard Design/Brunvoll |Armin Pobitzer (Vard Design) and Sigrid Marie Mo (Brunvoll) |- The use of simulation and OSP in the "Sea Zero" Project.
  • Damen Shipyards | Karthik Sankaramoorthy  | Co-simulations - Enabling System integration in Shipyards
  • AHO | Kjetil Nordby | Project: Open Bridge - Development of open source software and connections towards OSP

11.45 - Lunch


  • The OSP Panel debate (Hosted by: Severin Sadjina - SINTEF Nordvest)
    • Tomi Liias, Project Engineer at Rauma Maritime Constructions, Finland
    • Seunghyup Ryu, Senior Vice President at HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering, South Korea
    • Karthik Sankaramoorthy, Naval Architect at Damen, Netherlands
    • Aleks Karlsen, Senior Principal Specialist DP systems at DNV, Norway
  • FMI Project: Christian Bertsch (Bosch), Torsten Sommer (Dassault Systèmes): Update from the FMI Project: FMI 2.0, 3.0, Layered Standards, Tools 

Session 2: Innovative advances with co-simulations


  • DNV | Stephanie Kemna | MLFMU: An easy-to-use tool for converting machine learning models to FMUs
  • KSOE Younguk Min |   Development of cloud-based high-fidelity digital twins for control system commissioning in integrated gas management and cargo handling systems of LNG carriers.
  • Åbo Akademi University & PBI Research Institute | Hergys Rexha (Åbo) and Frans Hemfors (PBI) | Software System Integration for Digital Commissioning
  • DNV |Juan Camilo Guevara Gomez and Jorge Luis Mendez Hulett | Enhancing Maritime Cybersecurity through Simulation Trust Center: A Novel Approach

16:00 - Blue Maritime Hangout with finger-food in Blue Innovation Arena

19:00 – End of Day 1



Track A

Track B

08:30 - 09:30

Session 1: Simulation projects of the future


09:45 - 10:45

Session 2A: How to create good models

Session 2B: Component Model (hands-on)

11:00 - 1200

Session 3A: Showcase various ways and tools to create FMUs

Session 3B: Using OSP – Case Study: Easy experimenting with OSP Models

 12:00 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – End of Day 2

13:00 – 16:00: Optional B2B-meetings

Session 1: Simulation projects of the future: Join us for a discussion around potential new research and innovation projects and the next areas of focus for co-simulations.  What obstacles and difficulties do you face when running simulations or when creating models? What future needs should we try to address with OSP?

Track A:

Session 2A: How to create good models? Join us to learn what to consider when planning a simulation model, how to create one and how to trust that it represents reality well.

Session 3A: Showcase various ways and tools to create FMUs. During this session, you will have the opportunity to explore and learn from various demonstrations of exporting FMUs using different tools.

Track B:

Session 2B: Component model. This is a hands-on session, so bring your laptop to learn how to generate FMUs using python and get familiarized with the component model. More details on GitHub: https://github.com/dnv-opensource/component-model  

Session 3B: Using OSP – Case Study: Easy experimenting with OSP Models. The SEACo research project has introduced a new package called case study, which focuses on creating various scenarios for simulation. Join us to learn more about it and to experiment with OSP. This is a hands-on session, so bring your laptop. More details on GitHub: https://github.com/dnv-opensource/case_study

Open Simulation Platform (OSP) is an open-source industry initiative for co-simulation of maritime equipment, systems, and entire ships. OSP intends to provide the maritime industry with key tools and working processes for technical systems engineering, enabling efficient and effective construction and maintenance of digital twins for system integration, testing, and verification.  Using such tools is ramping up in the car and aircraft industries, and it is time for the maritime industry to follow suit. 

We promise a day full of engaging discussions and insightful learnings.


Open Simulation Platform Conference 2024

Registration for Open Simulation Platform Conference 2024


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