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- The best attitudes

Which competencies are important for the future craftsman? Fredrik Linge Klock presented his master thesis at Kleven Yard last friday

Blue Maritime Cluster
Di maritime fremtid 3.JPG

The world's best craftsman

The thesis is commissioned by GCE Blue Maritime and Mafoss, and the purpose of the thesis has been to analyse which competencies the future craftsmen in the maritime industry in Sunnmøre should possess to become the world's best craftsmen in five to ten years, from a strategic and learning perspective.

The thesis' main issue is sought answered through two research questions regarding which competencies of the craftsman will be important for increasing learning outcomes, and how the individual company in the maritime industry in Sunnmøre can ensure that they obtain workers with the required competencies.


To answer the main issue and research questions 17 respondents from three different levels (manager, HR and production management) at six different companies within the maritime industry in the Møre-region have been interviewed in the form of semi-structured interviews. The companies are members of a local training collaboration (MAFOSS) and have educated new craftsmen for years. The craftsman is defined as a recent graduate with a certificate (fagbrev) without much practice, but has been synonymous with workers who have been recruited through the apprenticeship education system in Norway in this thesis.

The answer to "what qualifications are important to create the world's best craftsman" is first and foremost: - the best attitudes!

Bilderesultat for fredrik klock

Fredrik Linge Klock, master student NTNU

The main results of the study are 14 specific and rated factors within the competence that the interviewees wish the skilled worker would have in the near future, as well as some specific recommendations on what the individual business can do to make sure that they obtain craftsmen with desired competencies in the future. The results show that attitudes rate higher than skills, knowledge and abilities. The results and implications are shown below:

tabell fagarbeider.png

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