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Adapting to the new IACS regulations

This spring, the GCE Blue Maritime Cluster will host a series of workshops to help the cluster's maritime companies prepare for the new cyber security rules that will enter into force from January 2024.

Blue Maritime Cluster
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Over the past few years, the cluster companies have experienced an increase of cyber security incidents of various severity. As many companies outsource these services, it is strongly advised to thoroughly confirm with all suppliers that they are in compliance. The consequences could have a severe impact on the business. 

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) published two new Unified Requirements (URs) on cyber security and resilience in 2022. This will hit the maritime industry in less than nine months and will have a direct impact on many of the cluster members, including the equipment suppliers delivering network-connected equipment into these ships.

Preparing for cyber security and resilience

GCE Blue Maritime Cluster are organizing a series of three workshops to gain insight into how this will impact your business and how to best prepare. The purpose of these workshops is to mobilize the cluster's companies to perform their own GAP analyses and provide further assistance so that they can finish building their systems.

The first workshop will be an introduction and walkthrough of the upcoming requirements. Additionally, we will offer an exchange of experiences from companies. The second workshop will focus on resilience of on-board systems and equipment (UR E27), primarily targeting equipment suppliers. Shipyards and ship owners will be the target group of the third workshop on cyber resilience of ships (UR 26).

Throughout the workshops we will also be supported by DNV's leading experts in this field. To share their experiences, we have gathered a highly skilled group of specialists from the biggest companies in the cluster, such as VARD and Kongsberg. The workshops will be hosted by Senior Advisor Rupert Davis from Gagn Consulting. Rupert has been the director of risk and regulatory change at Aon, UK. 

Read more and sign up for the workshops