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Exploring co-location for a sustainable blue economy

The collaborative initiative between Freja Offshore, Sub Farm, DHI, Lysekil and ÅKP/GCE Blue Maritime Cluster, the OFFWOFF Project (Offshore Floating Wind and Offshore Fish Farms) continues to make significant progress in exploring co-location opportunities between offshore floating wind and fish farming industries.

Blue Maritime Cluster

Since its summer launch, the OFFWOFF co-location project has maintained an active presence at key industry events. A significant milestone was the participation in the Nordic Conference on the Co-location of Marine Industries in Malmö this September. During this event, the project team contributed to the "International Work: Business Perspectives" session, where they shared valuable insights on multi-use strategies and collaboration within marine industries.

The project's visibility was further enhanced through its presence as an exhibitor at VIND2024 Expo organized by Svensk Vindenergi in Stockholm this October.

Upcoming Knowledge Sharing

The project is now preparing for an upcoming webinar, held in Swedish, titled "Coexistence for More Seafood + OFFWOFF Project." During this event, Freja Offshore will present the OFFWOFF project and the Mareld floating offshore wind farm, followed by Subfarm's innovative concept presentation. The webinar will delve into crucial technical aspects, examining how currents, sound, and technical design influence the interaction between wind power and fish farming.

