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From Russia - With Inside Information

On December 14th the Norwegian Russian Chamber of Commerce and GCE Blue Maritime Cluster are hosting the seminar "Market opportunities for the maritime industry in Russia".

Blue Maritime Cluster
With inside information Russia.jpg

The seminar is for companies already doing or considering business in Russia. Get updated information about the market situation in Russia from experienced people.


09:30: Registration

10:00: Welcome

GCE Blue Maritime Cluster/NRCC

10:10: Russia today - geopolitical challenges, from a historical and political perspective

Halvor Tjønn, journalist, former correspondent for three periods for Aftenposten in Moscow

10:50: Presentation of Russian maritime industry - Opportunities for Norwegian companies

Nikolay Shavrov, Director, Innovation Norway, Saint Petersburg Office

11:15: Coffee break

11:35: Increased focus on Russia as a market - success factors

Rolf Fiskerstrand, CEO, Fiskerstrand Holding AS

12:00: Norwegian ship design - valuable references in Russia

Inge Bertil Straume, Sales Manager Fishing Vessels, Skipsteknisk AS

12:25: Funding Mechanisms - important tools for increased focus on Russia

Stig Gjethammer, Vice President Lending, Export Credit Norway

12:45: Maritim investment in Russia – experiences from Rolls-Royce

Yrjar Garshol, Vice President Marketing, Rolls Royce Marine AS

13:10:Concluding remarks

GCE Blue Maritime Cluster/NRCC

13:15: Lunch – networking

The seminar is a partnership between GCE Blue Maritime and Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and is free of charge.

For registration, send email to frank.stoyva.emblem@aakp.no

Contact information:

Rune Methi, Communications Manager, NRCC


Frank Støyva Emblem, Communications Manager, Blue Maritime Cluster

frank.stoyva.emblem@aakp.no (m) 98855952