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Market Task Group Established

In the work in operationalize the New Blue Deal strategy, task groups has been established composed of resource personnel from the cluster's companies. Last week, the market task group had it's first meeting.

Blue Maritime Cluster

Renewing Norway's Leading Position

- To succueed in acchieving the objectives in the New Blue Deal strategy, we depend on recruiting ship owners, operators or commodity owners with ambitions to use low- and zero emission vessels for their operations, says CEO Daniel Garden in GCE Blue Maritime Cluster. He explains that the maritime cluster has become world leaders in advanced vessels and offshore operations, mainly because operators and ship owners have been demanding and contributed in defining their needs for new and better solutions through the decades. - We wil recreate this, but this time within low- and zero emission ships, he says.

- For å lykkes med å nå målene i strategien New Blue Deal, er vi avhengige av å rekruttere inn rederier, operatører eller vareeiere som har ambisjoner om å ta i bruk lav- og nullutslippsskip til sine operasjoner, sier klyngeleder Daniel Garden i GCE Blue Maritime Cluster. Han forteller videre at den maritime klyngen har blitt verdensledende innen avanserte fartøyer og offshoreoperasjoner, nettopp fordi operatører og rederier har stilt krav og bidra med å definere behov for nye og bedre løsninger gjennom flere tiår. - Dette skal vi gjenskape, men denne gangen innen lav- og nullutslippsskip, fortsetter han.

Important Task

The cluster task group for markets will be mapping the different segments, secifically inside Ocean Energy, Ocean Food and Ocean Travel. Together with the customers from these markets, the group will identify possible obstacles in their mission to implement further low- and zero emission solutions in their ship operations. Mr. Garden believes the cluster companies are highly capable to become world leading in this area. - We have a much larger chance to succeed if we take on several cases simultaneously, which each case is expected to deliver many smaller and larger projects within low- and zero emission solutions. We will have to assess the business models, supply chains and the development of the complete vessel. Energy and drivetrain is an important element, but we will have to look at the whole ship and it's operation, he says. - If we throw the challenge in the lap of the world's leading maritime technology companies - 200 strong - the chance of success is immense, says Mr. Garden.

First Meeting

One half of the task group met last week in Ålesund to discuss how to take on the mission. Jose Jorge Garcia Agis is the Deputy Director of Ulstein International and participated in the meeting. - I believe we are in a good position to succeed when putting so much competence together, says Mr. Agis.

These companies have sent their professionals to the task group: Brunvoll, Fiskerstrand Verft, Greenstat, Green Yard Kleven, Jets Vacuum, Kongsberg Maritime, Maritime Partner, Metizoft, Myklebust Verft, Rostein, Skipsteknisk, Sperre Industrier, Ulstein Group and Vard Group. ÅKP (the GCE Blue Maritime cluster judicial organisation) contributes with advisers and project managers.

Read more about the New Blue Deal here: World's First Net-Zero Maritime Cluster 

