SFI Move Conference in Ålesund
Researchers and partner companies was gathered on April 5th for the SFI Move conference in Ålesund. At the conference the scientists presented their work and the current research projects.
Hans Petter Hildre head of department for Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering at NTNU opened the conference. He introduced us to the exiting plans for the new research arena currently under construction at NMK II. An arena for simulation, virtual prototyping, and remote operations.
Research scientist, Professors and Phd candidates presented their work for interested parteners in a fully set Rolls-Royce venue.
Subsea Operations
SFI Move currently has four active research areas; The first project is related to subsea operations, and how to perform safe all year and cost efficient subsea operations. Research manager Halvor Lie and senior research scientist Frøydis Solaas from SINTEF Ocean presented their projects work on hydrodynamic loads on complex structures in the wave zone, and how to estimate hydrodynamic coefficients. They were accompanied by several PhD candidates and postdocs from NTNU.
Virtual Prototyping
The second project aim to see how Virtual Prototyping, and simulation technology can be used as a common approach from design to operation. The resent work done in the ViProMa project was presented by Lars Tandle Kyllingstad research scientist from SINTEF Ocean. Interesting work and progress has been done on co-simulation and establishing a common standard for the maritime industry, using the FMI standard as enabling technology.
Seabed Mining
Seabed mining and the research in this domain, was introduced by Svein Sævik NTNU Professor at the department of Marine Technology and his researchers. This project has been focusing their efforts on riser technology. Interesting research has been done in this area; especially on the coupled dynamics of the riser, and how water current, the riser and the slurry contents of the riser affects each other.
Offshore Wind
The fourth and last research project presented at was introduced by Associate Professor at the department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering, Karl Henning Halse. This project has been working on installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines. Post Doc Zhiyu Jiang showed us how correct placement of flopper stoppers will reduce roll motion on an installation barge. The researchers also showed us the analysis results of a catamaran vessel for installation of floating wind turbines. The same catamaran was used in a case study and concept design for a gripping and lifting device for installation of OWT on to a spar. This concept was visualized for the delegates at the OSC simulator.