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Join us

Interested in cluster membership in GCE Blue Maritime Cluster? Learn about our eligibility, terms, and fees below.

Blue Maritime Cluster

Who can become a cluster member?

  • Organizations from the maritime community, including:
    • Corporations
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Research communities
    • Authorities
    • Public entities
    • Risk capital providers
  • Other organizations closely linked to the maritime industry (subject to steering committee approval)

  • Membership Requirements

    Membership is based on accepting the terms in the GCE Blue Maritime's Cluster Contract:

    Annual Participant's Fee for 2025

    Here are the fees for 2025:

    Skjermbilde 2024-10-22 kl. 08.58.26.png

    *Start-ups: 0-3 years from public registration
    **Corporations: full corporation revenue will include all employees from subsidiaries. If registering just a subsidiary, only the employees from this organisation will be regarded as members.

    GCE Blue Maritime's Statues

    GCE Blue Maritime's Statues (in Norwegian only).

    How to become a cluster member

    Please complete the contact form below to learn more about Blue Maritime Cluster membership and how it can benefit your business. Our team will reach out to discuss:

    • Key membership advantages tailored to your company
    • How you can leverage our network for growth and innovation
    • The membership application process

    We'll reach out to you with information about Blue Maritime Cluster membership.

    Interested in cluster membership?

    Leave your contact information below and we'll reach out to you.



    Yes, I have read the terms in ÅKP AS' Privacy Policy and accept that my personal contact details are treated accordingly.

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